オードリーコレクションは株式会社 LASH DOLL JAPANと株式会社 東北新社とのオードリー・ヘプバーン肖像権・パブリシティ権の公式ライセンス契約に基づく正規商品となり、日本国内限定販売商品になります。
This product is available only in Japan.
It is strictly prohibited by the law to sell, distribute, and export the products to outside of Japan.
LASH DOLL JAPAN Co.,Ltd. has the official license contract with TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION for the image right and the right of publicity of Audrey Hepburn.
Also, it is prohibited to use and divert the images of Audrey Hepburn and the product images that are used on this web site without authorization.